Nearly three years ago, our Personal Injury team piloted a new early intervention tool that radically changed the way claims are managed. MyJourney is an evidence-based survey that a claimant completes online at the outset of the return-to-work process. This allows their case manager to holistically understand the factors that may affect their recovery.
“It’s about understanding the person’s lived experience and how they see their injury, while also proactively providing care for the best outcomes,” explains Brianna Cattanach, Allianz National Manager, Mental Health Strategy and Delivery.
Previously, a claims manager could only use the information completed on a claims form, together with a medical certificate for the illness or injury, explains Brianna.
“But factors aren’t just medical. The person’s state of mind, their support networks, even how they’re sleeping, can all affect how they recover and the risk of secondary mental illness.”