Terms of Use

The terms and conditions on this page and any conditions, notices, and disclaimers elsewhere on our Website (known collectively as the "Terms of Use") govern your access and use of the Allianz Website  and its sub-domains ("our Website").  These include the Allianz branded quoting service on our Website and at einsure, and My Allianz, our customer self-service portal.

Your access and use of our Website is conditional upon your acceptance and compliance with these Terms of Use.

You’re responsible for making sure only you can access your My Allianz login details. You must not allow anyone else to log in or use your account. You must not share any two-factor authentication codes from Allianz with anyone. Be aware that people claiming to provide ‘claims services’ are never authorised to access your account. They may be attempting to commit fraud.

Any insurance product you buy online or through our call centre has its own terms and conditions. You’ll find these terms and conditions in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) (Policy Document) and any applicable Supplementary PDS (SPDS).

If you’re buying insurance online, see the PDS and SPDS documents on this website. Otherwise, contact Allianz for a copy of the relevant PDS and SPDS documents.

Our Website and its contents, including all information, text, graphics, images, software, adverts and other material on our Website ("Content"), are the property of Allianz Australia Limited (ABN 21 000 006 226) ("Allianz") and our licensors. Our Website and its Content are subject to copyright under Australian law and through international treaties with other countries.

You may use this Content for your personal reference only, but not for any commercial or public use.  You may download a single copy of the Content, keep a temporary copy in your computer's cache and make a single hard copy, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. You may not copy, reproduce, publish, store, or transmit our Website or Content without Allianz’s prior written authorisation.

All names, logos, and trademarks are the property of Allianz or the third parties who have contributed to our Website. You may not use any name, logo, or trademark on our Website without the express prior permission of Allianz or the relevant contributor.

You may not use Allianz’s name, its agents’ names or any trademarks and other intellectual property belonging to Allianz or its agents without Allianz’s prior, written permission. This includes commercially or in advertising or publicity or to identify a link to our Website without the prior written permission of Allianz.

If you become aware of any third party infringing the intellectual property rights of our Website, you must tell Allianz. You must assist Allianz if there are any infringement proceedings. Allianz has sole control of the defence and settlement of any infringement proceedings. Any recovery from infringement proceedings is the property of Allianz.

If a court or Allianz determines that our Website or Content infringe a third party's intellectual property rights, Allianz can alter, modify or delete our Website or Content to avoid continuing infringement.

The information shown on our Website and on any Allianz or Related Body Corporates' products and services is of a general nature only. Circumstances may change at any time, which may affect the accuracy or completeness of the information. While Allianz has taken all reasonable care in producing our Website, it doesn’t accept responsibility for any incurred loss, expense or liability. You mustn’t rely on any statement on our Website without taking specialist advice.

Any legal rights and obligations which Allianz and you may have will be in the terms and conditions of the contract and policy. These terms and conditions will be issued to you or available on our Website when you buy your policy online. 

You agree that you’ve read the Allianz Website Privacy Statement and agree that those terms form part of the Terms of Use. You accept that if you buy insurance online or provide your personal information through our Website, Allianz will manage it in accordance with the Allianz Website Privacy Statement. Allianz will handle all the information and data you provided in accordance with its Security Policy.

You must not use our Website in any way or for any purpose that’s unlawful, or violates any right of Allianz, or that’s prohibited by the Terms of Use. It’s a condition of your use or access, or both, that you agree that you won’t do any of the following: 

  1. Allow anyone to access your log in details to My Allianz to log in or use your account. This includes not sharing any two-factor authentication codes from Allianz with anyone.
  2. Use any device, software or routine that will or may interfere with the working or functioning of our Website. Also, that you won’t post, publish or share any Content that contains a virus or anything harmful.
  3. Make any unauthorised use of any materials or intellectual property found on our Website.
  4. Copy or provide to any other party any materials, Content or data found on our Website other than as set out in the Terms of Use. 
  5. Copy and use any materials, Content or data found on our Website for any other purpose than buying, endorsing or cancelling an Allianz product.
  6. Use any method or means to copy, reproduce, republish, frame, post, upload, distribute, transmit, sublicense, delete or modify in any way all or any part of the Content on our Website. This includes monitoring it in any way, unless expressly provided for in our Website or expressly authorised in writing by Allianz.
  7. Intentionally do anything that overburdens the infrastructure of our Website. 
  8. Post, publish, distribute or transmit any unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, discriminatory, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane or indecent content of any kind. This includes any content constituting or encouraging conduct that’s a criminal offence, causes civil liability or otherwise violates any applicable laws or regulations.
  9. Post, publish, distribute or transmit, or share any content that violates or infringes someone else’s rights without permission from Allianz or the relevant right holder. This includes content which is an invasion of any privacy or publicity rights, or is protected by copyright, trademark or any other proprietary right.
  10. Post, publish, distribute or transmit or share any unsolicited correspondence (including emails) or spamming via our Website. 
  11. Attempt to identify the source code or other formulas for our Website’s infrastructure software or functions
  12. Restrict or inhibit any other user from using or enjoying our Website. 
Allianz has no obligation whatsoever to monitor any user’s use of our Website or to edit, delete or refuse to post any Content. However, Allianz reserves the right to monitor your, or any users, use of our Website and to edit, refuse to post or remove any Content. Allianz reserves the right to cooperate fully with any law enforcement authority in any jurisdiction. This may be for any lawful direction or request to disclose the identity of or other information about any user of our Website.

If Allianz provides the option to buy any of its products or services through our Website, the following process applies:

  1. You'll manually enter the data requested for Allianz to provide an electronic quote based on the information you provide.
  2. Allianz will provide a quote for its products electronically and this will constitute Allianz's offer to you. Allianz may save and retrieve any quote it issues.
  3. You may accept this offer by selecting the 'Buy Policy' button and providing valid bank account or credit card details for your payment. The product or service, or both, you order must not be for commercial resale. Allianz will then receive an electronic message which it will act upon to issue you with the product (in its discretion). Allianz reserves the right to reject any order it receives for any reason.  Orders aren’t binding on Allianz until acceptance. You’ll be bound by the Terms of Use operating at the time you placed your order.
  4. A binding contract will only come into place when Allianz receives your acceptance of the Allianz Offer, accepts the order by displaying a confirmation of payment on your screen, and receives clear payment of the premium. A clear payment is when a debit is made against the credit card or account nominated by you during the quote process.
  5. You should then receive a policy number. A binding contract is still in place even if you don’t receive this policy number upon completion of the online transaction.
  6. You’ll receive confirmation of this transaction when Allianz sends you a PDS (Policy Document) and Schedule.
  7. Contact Allianz on 13 1000 if you don't receive a policy number or PDS (Policy Document) and Schedule.
  8. Allianz treats all electronic instructions received online as valid and authentic.
  9. All policies issued by this online facility are subject to all Allianz's usual underwriting criteria and guidelines.
  10. All PDS (Policy Documents) are available on our Website. You should read and understand the relevant PDS (Policy Document) before buying any insurance product online. If you use any third party, such as a broker or an agent, to enter any transactional information on our Website (including requesting or accepting a quote), you’re bound by their actions for that transaction. You’ll also be bound by these Terms of Use.
When you get a quote for some of our products, you’ll be taken to the einsure website. This domain is owned by Allianz, not a third party. It’s a secure site that processes Allianz product underwriting questions to generate quotes. It links with our apps and helps us provide you with quality service.

We want to make our quote processes as simple and seamless as possible. We’ve worked on making the customer quoting journey as quick as it can be, so we can provide a quote in minutes.

The time it takes for us to provide a quote will depend on a number of factors, including on the type of product. For example, a life insurance quote will take longer than one for CTP insurance. This is because we have different underwriting questions for each Allianz product – requiring different amounts and types of information from the user.

For further resources and information about our products and processes, policy documents, and Target Market Determinations, visit our Policy information page.

You can make payments online for new business or renewals. If you receive a renewal schedule that indicates you can pay online, you can make the payment by visiting this website. The details of how to do this will appear on the Schedule. If you’re paying a renewal premium online, your new policy will only be in place when Allianz electronically receives the following:

  1. all details of the payment, including method of payment and correct policy details,
  2. clear payment by your credit card or nominated account,
  3. a record of the transaction that’s generated in the Allianz system and a receipt number issued for the payment.
Unless otherwise stated on our Website, all prices on our Website are in Australian dollars and are valid and effective only in Australia. The policies on our Website are issued to people who are Australian residents. We may change our prices and the availability of our goods and services at any time without notice. Allianz reserves the right to correct pricing errors at any time. Allianz isn’t liable for any loss or damage whatsoever from failure to deliver or delay in the delivery of its products or services, or both.

By placing any Content on our Website, you grant to Allianz a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, irrevocable, unrestricted, worldwide licence to do the following to the Content: 

  1. use, copy, sublicense, redistribute, adapt, transmit, publish, broadcast, publicly perform or display; and
  2. sub-license to any third parties the unrestricted right to exercise any of the rights granted in point 1. above. 

This licence granted to Allianz includes the right to exploit all proprietary rights in any such Content. This includes but isn’t limited to rights under copyright, trademark, and service mark or patent laws under any jurisdiction worldwide. You consent to Allianz, and any third party authorised by Allianz, using your Content without the following:

  • attributing to you the authorship of the Content,
  • inspecting or approving any use of the Content, and
  • materially altering or distorting the Content.

At Allianz’s request and expense, you’ll take such actions as may be required to carry out this grant of licence and consent.

The Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and all corresponding state and territory legislation imply terms, conditions, and warranties into some contracts for the supply of goods and services. They prohibit the exclusion, restriction, and modification of such terms ("Prescribed Terms"). Except as provided for by the Prescribed Terms:

  1.  Allianz provides all Content (including information about goods and services) on an "as is" basis without any warranties of any kind.
  2. To the maximum extent permissible by law, Allianz expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind. This includes but isn’t limited to implied warranties of products that are fit for sale and for a particular purpose
  3. Allianz, and its directors and employees, doesn't guarantee that your access to our Website will be uninterrupted or that our Website will operate error free. Nor can Allianz guarantee that it will correct any defects or that its Website and servers are virus-free.
  4. Allianz, and its directors and employees, doesn’t guarantee the prevention or notification of any illegal, harmful or inappropriate use, modification or alteration of our Website.
  5. Allianz, and its directors and employees, doesn’t guarantee the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, reliability, or quality of its Content. You use our Website and its Content at your own risk. Allianz  regularly makes changes to its Website. Changes may be made at any time.
  6.  If your use of our Website or the Content results in the need for servicing or replacing equipment or data, Allianz isn’t responsible for those costs.

Except as provided by the Prescribed Terms, Allianz, its directors, employees, suppliers, or any third parties mentioned on our Website aren't liable for any loss or damage whatsoever. This includes without limitation, incidental, special or consequential damages or lost profits resulting from:

  1. Any use or access of, or any inability to use or access, our Website, any third party link, or any Content.
  2. Any unauthorised access to or alterations of your transmissions or data.
  3. Any statements or conduct of any user of our Website, including any information or advice and any defamatory statements or offensive conduct. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Allianz’s liability for breach of any Prescribed Terms is limited at the option of Allianz to the following:
  • Where services are supplied or offered by Allianz: a. The supply of the services again; or b. The payment of the cost of having services supplied again; and
  • Where goods are supplied or offered by Allianz: a. The replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods; b. The repair of such goods; c. The payment of the cost of replacing the goods or acquiring equivalent goods; or d. The payment of the cost of having the goods repaired.
Allianz can’t guarantee that our Website or any other website with a link to our Website will be virus-free or have uninterrupted access.  Allianz offers Website access on an "as is" basis and it may make any online access unavailable without any notice.

Our Website may contain links to other websites owned and operated by third parties who aren’t related bodies corporate of Allianz ("Linked Websites"). The Linked Websites aren’t under the control of Allianz. Allianz isn’t responsible for the content of any Linked Websites or any hyperlink contained in a Linked Website.  Allianz doesn’t guarantee the content of any such third party sites.

Allianz provides these links to you as a convenience only. Providing any such links doesn't imply that Allianz endorses the Linked Websites. Using a link to any such Linked Website is entirely at your own risk. Allianz isn’t a party to any transaction between you and a Linked Website. Your use of a Linked Website is subject to the terms and conditions of that site in addition to these Terms of Use. If there’s any inconsistency, these Terms of Use prevail.

Our Website also contains third party adverts that may or may not contain embedded hyperlinks or referral buttons to Linked Websites. Showing such advertising doesn’t mean Allianz endorses or recommends the relevant advertiser, its products or services or any such Linked Website. Refer to the relevant advertiser for all information regarding the advertiser and its products or services.

To the extent permitted by law, Allianz accepts no responsibility for any interaction between you and the relevant third party. Allianz is released from any liability arising out of or in any way connected with such interaction.

If you breach these Terms of Use, you indemnify Allianz for any liability incurred by Allianz for any loss, liabilities, costs, damages, or other expenses. This may arise directly or indirectly as a result of your breach of these Terms of Use or your use of or access to our Website.

Allianz may terminate your access to our Website or any part of our Website at any time without telling you. If you violate any Terms of Use, your right to use and access our Website automatically terminates. Allianz may also change the terms and conditions on this website at any time. If you continue to use our Website, you agree to accept, abide and be bound by the Terms of Use and any amendments.

You should visit this page regularly to review the Terms of Use. If you object to any of the Terms of Use or any amendments, you can immediately stop accessing and using our Website. If Allianz terminates your use of our Website, you must immediately stop accessing and using our Website and Content. You must, at Allianz's option, return any hard copies of the Content to Allianz or destroy any hard copies and any other electronic copies of the Content within your control or possession. Allianz's limit of liability, your indemnity, licences granted by you and all limits on your use of our Website continue after termination.

Certain taxes and government charges may be payable for our services. Allianz has no responsibility for such taxes or other government charges. Unless otherwise stated, charges for goods or services provided by Allianz include any goods and services tax imposed under Australian law.

Allianz requires that children under 18 years old ask their parents for permission before providing any data about themselves or their families. If you use our Website to place an order, you assure Allianz that you’re 18 or more years of age and authorised and able to make a payment by the method you specify. Or if you’re under 18,  you’re authorised by your parents or guardian to enter into the contract.

Allianz encourages parents to monitor their children's website activity. Children should ask for permission from their parents or guardian before logging on to our Website.

All disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be dealt with in accordance with the laws of New South Wales, Australia. You irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales and the New South Wales District Registry of the Federal Court of Australia.

Allianz controls and operates this website from its offices in Australia. Allianz makes no representation that materials on the website are appropriate or available for use in other locations. If you access this website from other locations, you do so on your own initiative and you’re responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws.

If a court of law finds any part of these Terms of Use invalid, it won’t affect the rest of the Terms of Use. The rest of the Terms of Use will continue in full force and effect. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. 
Allianz acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and work across Australia. We pay our respect to First Nations Elders past and present.

Any advice here does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions apply. Before making a decision about this insurance, consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)/Policy Wording and Supplementary PDS (if applicable). Where applicable, the PDS/Policy Wording, Supplementary PDS and Target Market Determination (TMD) for this insurance are available on this website. We do not provide any form of advice if you call us to enquire about or purchase a product.

Allianz Australia Insurance Limited ABN 15 000 122 850 AFS Licence No. 234708 is the insurer of any general insurance products offered, and Allianz Australia Life Insurance Limited ABN 27 076 033 782 AFS Licence No. 296559 is the insurer of any life insurance products offered. Each entity is responsible for any statements and representations made about its products, on this website.